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Rock 365 : Day 46 : Boulby Potash #365photos

Day 46 : This week I’ll concentrate on samples from the Cleveland Potash mine at Boulby, North Yorkshire.  This is the Boulby Potash. It comes in two forms, a clean ore and a shaly ore, the ‘ore’ in question being sylvinite (a mixture of sylvite KCl and halite NaCl).  Close …

Rock 365 : Day 31 : Cannel Coal #365photos

Day 31 : Well, I’ve reached the end of the first month of Rock365.  Today I’ve some black and white photography – coal and snow.  I was out this morning scouting a location for some potential geological site management for educational use and it was snowing!  So here is the …

Rock 365 : Day 15 : Selenite #365photos

Day 15 : A piece of "moon rock". Selenite literally means 'Of the Moon' and named after Selene, the Greek goddess of the Moon (the Roman equivalent of whom is Luna). This shouldn't be confused with the 'gem' moonstone which is feldspar.  Selenite is a variety of gypsum (calcium sulphate). …

Rock 365 : Day 13 : Vesicular Basalt #365photos

Day 13 : Vesicular basalt from Iceland.  I really like the surface textures and being full of small bubble holes it is very light.  I spent a fortnight driving around Iceland’s “ring road” so to be honest I can’t quite remember exactly where the sample originates, but is probably from …

Rock 365 : Day 12 : Ammonite #365photos

Day 12 : I found this little pyritised ammonite at the bottom of one of my rock drawers.  With the marl matrix rapidly disintegrating unfortunately I don't think this fossil is long for this world so I thought I'd better photograph it now. It is from the Liassic of the UK somewhere, …

Rock 365 : Day 11 : Sphalerite #365photos

Day 11 : The dark mineral here is sphalerite or zincblende, the main or mineral of zinc.  It is mostly zinc sulphide with some iron.  The white mineral is calcite and with the sphalerite forms a vein infilling in Lower Carboniferous Limestone. This sample comes from the old mine spoil …

Rock 365 : Day 10 : Sideritic Conglomerate #365photos

Day 10 : Again from the back garden collection, today’s rock is a conglomerate. I find conglomerates and breccias the most aesthetically pleasing of rocks. This one is from Monkstone Point, Pembrokeshire, Wales and is a conglomerate containing not only vein quartz, but clasts of siderite nodules (iron carbonate), reworked …

Rock 365 : Day 7 : Haematite

Day 7 : Today’s mineral deskcrop specimen comes from Cumbria, England close to the Florence Mine. The sample shows the botryoidal (resembling a bunch of grapes) habit of the iron mineral haematite with some minor calcite.

Rock 365 : Day 5

Day 5 : The first of my deskcrops.  This sample of otherwise unremarkable fine-grained grey rhyolite has an important minor component – there is gold in that there rock. The small light coloured specks are native gold.  The rock is from El Guanaco Mine, Santa Catalina, Antofagasta Province, Antofagasta Region, Chile

Rock 365 : Day 4

Day 4: Visiting my mother on the way home from Morocco. Here is one of my old rock collection still sitting on the window sill of my old bedroom. This is the Anglesey Blueschist (560-550Ma) from near Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, Anglesey, North Wales. The type locality is at the base of the …