Rock 365 : Day 96 : Chatsworth Grit #365photos

Day 96 : Out ‘training’ for Easter fieldwork by walking part of the Gritstone Trail through Cheshire.  This is the quarry face at Tegg’s Nose showing the Carboniferous deltaic gritstones. This particular gritstone is the Chatsworth Grit (or Rivelin Grit or Second Grit), Bashkirian (or Namurian) in age [will someone please stop changing the names!]. The upper part of the face shows thin ‘flagstones’ and mudstones (seams and levels in the local parlance) that were used as paving stones in the local towns. The lower part of the face shows cross-bedded gritstones. There is also a small fault to the right.  The second photo shows Tegg’s Nose from across the valley with the quarry spoil evident on the slopes. The third photo is of the gritstone edge of the Cheshire Basin, from Tegg’s Nose in the foreground, past Sutton Common with the TV transmitter, past The Cloud to Mow Cop. The Precambrian peak of the Wrekin can just be seen on the horizon between the Cloud and of Mow Cop.  

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